Interesting Details About Cedar Roofs
Cedar roofs are not just attractive; they can also provide several practical advantages: This type of roofing is eco-friendly, weather-resistant, durable, and with the correct care, cedar is a long-lasting material.
So before you choose a material for your roof, you need to know more about the cost, care, and advantages of a cedar roof. Once you receive the information, you will make the most suitable choice for yourself and your home.
Choices in Cedar Roofing
When you invest in a cedar roof, red or white cedar is used to make the shingles or shakes. The type you choose will depend on what look you want for your home.
Cedar shingles are made from wood blocks and cut to provide a smooth and uniform shape. Each one will be the same thickness, width, and appearance. You can choose from two styles:
- Sawn cedar shingles look similar to cedar shakes, however, can give your roof a more tailored look.
- Sanded cedar shingles give a defined look as they are smoother than sawn shingles.
Cedar shakes are another option for roofing. These are split from wood blocks, so unlike cedar shingles, they will not be uniform in thickness and could have grooves. They frequently have a taper. These are ideal if you want a rustic-looking roof. You can choose between two types: taper-sawn or hand-split shakes.
- Taper-sawn shakes are sawn on either side, so each will have the same thickness but retain the strength, texture, and tailored look of shingles.
- Hand-split shakes are not sawn, giving them a rough appearance, and are the best choice when you are looking for a more rustic look.
For information about the roofing services and products KBL Roofing has to offer, please do not hesitate to dial this number (203) 208-7407. We are in the Fairfield, CT area.