What You Need to Know About Roof Truss
if you live in an older house, there’s a good chance that the roof trusses are original. This means they can be quite sturdy and generally don’t need to be replaced unless they’re damaged by water or termites. If you have a newer home, though, it may have been built with different types of trusses designed for modern materials and home designs. Here’s a list of things you need to know about a roof truss and why it’s an important component for roof replacement:
it Supports the Weight of your Roof
a truss is a wooden frame that supports the weight of your roof and is attached to the walls of your house. If you have an older home, there’s a chance it may have been built with timber trusses. These are commonly used in construction because they are easy to assemble and can be made with local materials, such as wood or metal. Trusses come in different shapes and sizes depending on what type of material they’re made from, how many members there are, and where they meet at joints.
they’re Made to Fit a Specific Home
trusses are made to fit a specific home’s ceiling height and size, so it is important that you find one that will work for your home. The trusses also have to be able to support the weight of your roof, which can be very heavy if it has been damaged or aged over time. You will want these supports attached securely to the walls at each corner of each room in order for them not to collapse under pressure from above.
a Qualified Contractor Must Install This Component
it’s important that you have a qualified contractor who understands how to adjust the trusses if they become warped by water damage. It’s important to know what you’re dealing with when it comes to your roof. In older homes, understanding what type of roof truss you have can be an important part of determining whether or not it needs repair.
if you need a roof replacement here in Fairfield, CT area, you may contact KBL Roofing for professional roofing services. Call us at (203) 208-7407 today!